Impact in Vrbs


vrbs RUN 20 RUN and CLEAN 63 Toyama Marathon will be held next month. I will participate for the purpose of finishing the race.
vrbs RUN 19 RUN and CLEAN 62 I could pick up trash. BUT I forgot to press the end button and the art failed.
vrbs RUN 18 RUN and CLEAN 61 It is the fall of sports. I will be running a marathon in early November. In the future I decide to run long distances in marathon training.
Nouns RUN 173 RUN and CLEAN 60 This was recorded yesterday. It's a long training session. It was at night, so the amount of trash picked up was small.
vrbs RUN 16 RUN and CLEAN 58 I run and pick up trash at my own pace. I was able to make vrbs mark well today.
vrbs RUN 14 RUN and CLEAN 56 Run in the morning to get into the rhythm of the day. I was able to pick up a lot of trash.
RUN and CLEAN 27 How many of us meet on the Internet and meet in real life? It is fun to meet people in real life.
Nouns RUN 170 RUN and CLEAN 55 Today, there was a small amount of trash. I met and greeted people picking up trash.
vrbs RUN 13 RUN and CLEAN 54 machi DAO workshop Today, I gave an audio and video presentation at the workshop. I gave a description of our activities in Japanese. I picked up trash. I also painted pictures with my footprints.
vrbs RUN 12 RUN and CLEAN 53 I enjoy my free time⏰ and enjoy challenges. I multi-task my life. Running, trash pickup, draw a picture by footprint and audio streaming today. 🤡
vrbs11 RUN and CLEAN 52 Season's change Take care of your health. Take care of each other. Let's move our bodies!
vrbs RUN 10 RUN and CLEAN 51 Today I ran after cleaning. I was tired, but my muscles are also my savings. To run long distances
vrbs RUN 9 Typhoon was approaching. Windy and low amount of trash. It was sunny, so it was a light workout.
nouns RUN169 Since summer vacation is over I picked up trash to the elementary school. The vrbs community has events to clean up the city. For example, BEACH CLEAN
vrbsRUN8 The Internet makes it easy to connect with people around the world. We are thinking about what actions we can take to connect with people who think differently.
RUN and CLEAN 25 I want to do what I can alone. It is the road we are running on.
RUN and CLEAN 24 I do things differently, but I do things that are good for people and the town.
vrbs RUN 7 Running is good for you Picking up trash is clean. I know, but it's hard for me to do it myself.
RUN and CLEAN 23 Someone throws away the trash Trash is carried by the wind I pick up trash
vrbs RUN 6 RUN and CLEAN 46 When dust accumulates, it becomes a mountain 塵も積もれば山となる
RUN and CLEAN 22 On this day It was the birthday of a neighborhood udon shop. Kagawa, where I live, is famous for its udon.
vrbs RUN 5 RUN and CLEAN 45 As it began to rain, I made this Noggles face. 雨が降り始めたので、こんなノグルの顔を作りました。
RUN and CLEAN 21 I didn't have a pin badge that day, so I made a face with a Noggles Changer! この日はピンバッジがなく、ノグルチェンジャーで顔を作りました。
There was trash in the national park as well, and one person picked up a little, but only a little. 国立公園でもゴミはありました。1人で微力ですが少し拾いました。
RUN and CLEAN 20 I pick up trash where I used to. It's just where we ran. Enjoy it. 私は使った所のゴミを拾っています。 ただ走った所だけですよ。それを楽しむ。
Nouns RUN 168 RUN and CLEAN44 Today I ran and made a NOUNS. It is the art of running and footprints. Of course it is picking up trash on different streets. 今日、私は走ってNOUNSを作りました。走って足跡のアートです。 もちろん違う道のゴミ拾いです。
RUN and CLEAN 19 Connecting with people online is easy. But connecting with people you don't know is hard. ネットでつながる人ことは簡単です。 でも知らない人とつながる事は難しい。
vrbs RUN 4 RUN and CLEAN 43 Keep picking up trash in the neighborhood. I want to make the town more vibrant. 近所のゴミ拾いを続ける。 そして町を元気にしたい。
vrbs RUN 3 RUN and CLEAN 42 足跡をスクリーンショットして、 色をつけてみました。 足跡で足アート Screenshot the footprints, Colored. Foot art with footprints
RUN and CLEAN 18 この日は、私は足跡でノグルを作ることは出来なかった I could not make noggle with my footprints on this day.
RUN and CLEAN 17 I get up early every morning. I run and pick up trash without people knowing. 毎回、朝早く起きる。私は人知れず走り、ゴミ拾いしています。
vrbs RUN 2 RUN and CLEAN 41 We didn't have enough garbage bags. I was able to make squares for making Vrbs. You can't clean it up in one trash pickup.
RUN and CLEAN 16 There is always trash on the same street. From somewhere, it also meets
RUN and CLEAN 15 I make a NOUNS face. If you look closely, there's an expression on his face.
vrbs RUN 1 RUN and CLEAN 40 私の足アート ナスカの地上絵のように My Foot Art Like a Nazca terrestrial painting
Nouns RUN 165 RUN and CLEAN 36 When I am tired, my body is heavy, but when I run and pick up trash, I heal myself.
RUN and CLEAN 11 I am running and picking up trash while listening to the audio feed.
Nouns RUN 162 RUN and CLEAN 33 The trash we picked up today was heavy. but it's fun
RUN and CLEAN 7 走る道を変えたら、多くのゴミがありました。 I changed the road and found a lot of trash.