
Public gardens


Basic description.I often plant flowers and mulch around trees in public places and would like to build more public gardens.

Short Term Goal

Brief description of the short term goals for the project. To build at least one small garden with winecap mushrooms, hosta and ,blueberry bushes

North Star

The long-term vision or ultimate goal of the project. Install several low maintenance gardens that produce food in public areas


Brief background of the author, including relevant experience and qualifications.I James Magee have helped many tree planting efforts include with the PA State Fish and Game Commission, i helped organize and plant the community orchard in Meadville PA, I divert waste wood to beautification projects in my community regularly. I founded and run the Carbon Counting Club.

Success Metrics

What will be used to measure the success of the project. I count carbon sequestered and public gardens built as success.

Other info


Total Earned


Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.